Wednesday, July 29, 2009
UBD Freshers’ Week: Vice Chancellor’s Special Address
27 July 2009 (Monday) – The UBD Freshers’ Week (used to be called UBD Orientation Week) continues with the Special Address from the Vice Chancellor of UBD, Dr. Hj. Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi. He stated that students should be active in every aspect including their academics, extra-curricular activities (ECA) and involvement in community service. He also added that the new student intake are part of the digital generation; Google and the likes of Google can provide information for the students and urged that lecturers acknowledge the power of Facebook and Twitter. Present during the ceremony were the Assistant Vice-Chancellors, Primary Officers, Deans, Deputy Deans, Program Leaders and other UBD staff.
The Special Address was followed by a briefing on the Student Affairs Section by the Dean of Students, Dk. Dr. Nurolaini Pg Hj Muhammad Kifli, who explained the roles and duties of the Student Affairs staff, and introduced the students to some of the members of SAS.
The President of the Student Representative Council (SRC) also gave a speech where he welcomed the new intake of 2009/2010 and gave a brief introduction about PMUBD and how PMUBD can help make the students’ 4 years study in UBD more interesting by participating in activities organised by the SRC and clubs under PMUBD.
The afternoon session will involve briefings by the library staff and a tour of the library. The new students will also be receiving their copies of the first Freshers’ Magazine later in the afternoon.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dirgahayu Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'Izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam
Dirgahayu Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’Izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Hamba Duli Tuan Patik Menyembahkan Sembah Kesyukuran
Sempena Hari Puja Usia Ke 63 Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik.
Ddidoakan Semoga Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik Kekal Karar
Memerintah Negara Brunei Darussalam.